Isn't this like facebook?
Monday, April 21, 2014
I can't believe he made all those stories up and nobody verified them! It showed once where the editor called the hotel to ask about minibars but he thought he was telling the truth after he found out you could rent them. He almost got caught then but he still kept inventing them! its crazy because the president was reading his made up stories on air force one and the magazine was renowned for having impeccable fact checking! I think that its the magizine editors fault for not being more through in their fact checking, he was wrong but i think its funny he went so long without anyone noticing. He also has a great imagination! I think its great how he went to law school, I wonder if he found any laws he broke by saying this stuff he was writing was fact and it was all made up.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
32 Day Challange: Eating Healthy
Because I know that eating healthy will keep me on course to my goals,
I promise myself that every day for the next 32 days I will take the
following action: I will cut back on fast food and make more meals at home.
I will incorporate more vegetables and fruit in my diet and drink lots of water.
Action plan:
Grocery shopping for fresh veggies and fruit
carry a water bottle so I won't buy pop
bring a healthy snack with me to class so I don't eat pizza from the cafe
Yesterday I went grocery shopping and bought bananas and oranges and tomatoes and salad for my fresh fruits and veggies. I also got whole wheat pita bread and turkey for sandwiches. For healthy snacks I got apple sauce which is only 70 calories per serving and sweet potato chips which are 110 calories per serving. The only unhealthy things I bought were chicken pot pies because I'm poor and they were two for 88 cents. But for a light lunch of 320 calories they aren't horrible. I also drank 4 glasses of water yesterday but I haven't drank any today.
Today I drank three glasses of water and only got a drink from strarbucks, I made all my meals at home. For dinner I made pork chops and fresh asparagus.
Today I made breakfast pizza with whole wheat pita bread and nutella and bananas. I am gearing towards eating clean, I was researching it last night and I am going to attempt to eat more whole foods.
I will incorporate more vegetables and fruit in my diet and drink lots of water.
Action plan:
Grocery shopping for fresh veggies and fruit
carry a water bottle so I won't buy pop
bring a healthy snack with me to class so I don't eat pizza from the cafe
Yesterday I went grocery shopping and bought bananas and oranges and tomatoes and salad for my fresh fruits and veggies. I also got whole wheat pita bread and turkey for sandwiches. For healthy snacks I got apple sauce which is only 70 calories per serving and sweet potato chips which are 110 calories per serving. The only unhealthy things I bought were chicken pot pies because I'm poor and they were two for 88 cents. But for a light lunch of 320 calories they aren't horrible. I also drank 4 glasses of water yesterday but I haven't drank any today.
Today I drank three glasses of water and only got a drink from strarbucks, I made all my meals at home. For dinner I made pork chops and fresh asparagus.
Today I made breakfast pizza with whole wheat pita bread and nutella and bananas. I am gearing towards eating clean, I was researching it last night and I am going to attempt to eat more whole foods.
Monday, April 7, 2014
I think this is awesome because it helps students and they won't get in trouble for plagiarism. But i would have to agree that it is plagiarism because the student would be passing the assignment off as their own and it really isn't. But as a student with a job and rent and family and things to worry about, in a jam this would be amazing. Would I use it on every assignment? no. But If i had 12 hours to do a paper and had nothing done I might consider it.
Friday, March 28, 2014
The night sky is amazing. I love looking up at all the stars. I could do it for hours. there are just so many. Its crazy to think the stars could be dead. The light we see could be old. Thats it takes so long for the light to reach us that it could be thousands of years old and that spot in the sky isn't really even there. It makes
me feel small when I look at the sky because compared to the universe my life and my problem in the wold are miniscule. It makes me want to do something big something so big it could leave an impact in the world far longer then I will be on it. I don't know what, or how, but I want to make a difference when I look at those stars. I want to leave a light shining in the darkness long after i'm dead just like the stars do.
There I was in my kitchen. Looking in all the pantries and in the fridge for something to make for my English assignment. Something meaningful to me. I decided on the ribeye steaks in the fridge and I even had some left over mushrooms to throw on top. This was a classic meal, usually grilled, my family and I would enjoy on hot summer nights. It brings back memories of chasing fireflies in the dark and playing flashlight tag. I set to work getting out my skillet because alas I don't know how to grill and I don't have one. So I set the skillet to a low medium heat and got out my steaks. First I rubbed them with cavanders, a seasoning used by my mom that goes great on just about any meat. Then I set two side by side in the pan. Since my main course is searing away nicely, I go back to the fridge for the mushrooms I spotted. I briefly wondered how long they had been in there, and I remembered buying them possibly two weekends ago to make meatloaf. Surely fungus cant mold I told myself. I pulled them out of their plastic baggie and smelled them, they had a slight odor, and looked dark, but I told myself they just smelled like mushrooms and to wash them off and they would taste fine. So that's just what I did. I rinsed them off and chopped them up and threw them in a skillet with a little olive oil and sage and salt and let them simmer on low.
I return my attention back to my main course. Its time to flip each steak over and I deftly do so with one smooth motion of my spatula. The smell of seasoned meat fills the kitchen and I anxiously wait for my steaks to finish cooking to a perfect medium. I spear one steak and slice through the heart of it with a sharp steak knife. Almost there I thought! The mushrooms were done cooking so I turn the heat off and let them sit there staying hot. I slid my spatula under my perfectly done steaks and deposit them on to my waiting plate. After sprinkling my mushrooms on top I do what any teenager in America would do, I take a picture for instagram. I pull out the A1 sauce and put some on the side and set to work cutting my meat before I sat down. The knife slides easily through it and in a minute I'm done. As I sit in my recliner watching pawn stars I savor the warm bits of steak with the tangy A1 sauce. The cavendars gives the steak a very slight peppery taste and give it just the right amount of spice to make your mouth water for more, but not enough to make my eyes water from the heat. The mushrooms were al dente and the sage goes perfectly with the steak and I thought I had over done it with the salt maybe on them because they tasted a little bitter. I smothered them with tangy A1 and finished my plate. It was pretty late at this point, about 11:30 at night so I head off to bed thinking about my chemistry test I had in the morning.
I wake up a short hour and a half after I went to sleep covered in sweat and freezing. I felt like I had just gotten off the worlds largest roller coaster. My stomach was in knots and my head was spinning. I start to sit up and whoa the wold turned upside down. I start to lay back down but knew if I didn't make it the short trek across the hall to the bathroom I would be heaving the contents of my stomach all over my floor and my chemistry book and homework laying beside my bed. I get up and the motion literally made my stomach slosh around in protest. I stumble into the bathroom in the dark just in time to projectile vomit into the toilet (well mostly). After 5 minutes of heaving I lay on the bathroom floor feeling as if I was about to die. I laid there for about thirty minutes before I felt well enough to get onto my knees and finally turn the bathroom light on. I wished right away I hadn't. The bright light made me squint my eyes and all I could think was, damn I guess i'll have to clean the bathroom soon. I get to my feet and wash my face and my mouth and take my temperature. 97.2, I really was cold I guess. I felt week and shaky but I got the bathroom trashcan and bring it to my room and lay down with three blankets. I emailed my chemistry teacher telling him I wasn't going to make the 10 am lab, because by this time it was three am, but I would try and make the class at noon to take my test. Little did I know my day was just beginning.
I did some research and found out that good mushroom have no oder and portabellas, the kind I was cooking with, should never appear dark. They have a shelf life in a fridge of about two weeks, but that is in a paper bag or Styrofoam container that lets the mushrooms breathe. I had mine in a tightly zipped plastic baggie. So now I know that fungus can go bad, and if you ever get food poisoning from mushrooms you will feel like you are going to die for about 12 hours.
I return my attention back to my main course. Its time to flip each steak over and I deftly do so with one smooth motion of my spatula. The smell of seasoned meat fills the kitchen and I anxiously wait for my steaks to finish cooking to a perfect medium. I spear one steak and slice through the heart of it with a sharp steak knife. Almost there I thought! The mushrooms were done cooking so I turn the heat off and let them sit there staying hot. I slid my spatula under my perfectly done steaks and deposit them on to my waiting plate. After sprinkling my mushrooms on top I do what any teenager in America would do, I take a picture for instagram. I pull out the A1 sauce and put some on the side and set to work cutting my meat before I sat down. The knife slides easily through it and in a minute I'm done. As I sit in my recliner watching pawn stars I savor the warm bits of steak with the tangy A1 sauce. The cavendars gives the steak a very slight peppery taste and give it just the right amount of spice to make your mouth water for more, but not enough to make my eyes water from the heat. The mushrooms were al dente and the sage goes perfectly with the steak and I thought I had over done it with the salt maybe on them because they tasted a little bitter. I smothered them with tangy A1 and finished my plate. It was pretty late at this point, about 11:30 at night so I head off to bed thinking about my chemistry test I had in the morning.
I wake up a short hour and a half after I went to sleep covered in sweat and freezing. I felt like I had just gotten off the worlds largest roller coaster. My stomach was in knots and my head was spinning. I start to sit up and whoa the wold turned upside down. I start to lay back down but knew if I didn't make it the short trek across the hall to the bathroom I would be heaving the contents of my stomach all over my floor and my chemistry book and homework laying beside my bed. I get up and the motion literally made my stomach slosh around in protest. I stumble into the bathroom in the dark just in time to projectile vomit into the toilet (well mostly). After 5 minutes of heaving I lay on the bathroom floor feeling as if I was about to die. I laid there for about thirty minutes before I felt well enough to get onto my knees and finally turn the bathroom light on. I wished right away I hadn't. The bright light made me squint my eyes and all I could think was, damn I guess i'll have to clean the bathroom soon. I get to my feet and wash my face and my mouth and take my temperature. 97.2, I really was cold I guess. I felt week and shaky but I got the bathroom trashcan and bring it to my room and lay down with three blankets. I emailed my chemistry teacher telling him I wasn't going to make the 10 am lab, because by this time it was three am, but I would try and make the class at noon to take my test. Little did I know my day was just beginning.
I did some research and found out that good mushroom have no oder and portabellas, the kind I was cooking with, should never appear dark. They have a shelf life in a fridge of about two weeks, but that is in a paper bag or Styrofoam container that lets the mushrooms breathe. I had mine in a tightly zipped plastic baggie. So now I know that fungus can go bad, and if you ever get food poisoning from mushrooms you will feel like you are going to die for about 12 hours.
Monday, March 17, 2014
This image is colorful and it had three lizards. one is short and stubby looking and kinda fat and one is all twisted around like he was playing twister. the other has colorful horizontal stripes running down the length of his body. theres a blue feather in the middle of the three lizards with white polkadots. its shadow is under it. it looks like the lizards are on a wavy table cloth that is red with colorful stripes. some lizards have three fingers and some have four. all the lizards have a shadow.
I would rather be sleeping in a hammock on a beach in Cancun. It would have a white soft sandy beach. I would be strung up between two wavy palm trees and there would be a slight warm wind in the air. The waves would be softly crashing on the beach as I was rocked to sleep in the hammock. I would have consumed my body weight in margaritas and so I wouldn't have a care in the world.
There is white sandy beaches with small round sea shells nestled in the sand. The waves are blue with a white foam on the top. The tall palm treas are topped with long bendy green leaves that sway in the wind. The rough brown bark was from the top to the bottom.
The air smells like salt and sand. the hammock smalls like tanning lotion. the sand smells like wet dirt almost. the margarita im drinking smells like tequila and limes with mango. the water smells salty and a bit fishy. my towel smells like sun and sunscreen. My shoes smell sweaty.
The beach tastes gritty and gross. the water tastes like pure salt. The hammock tastes cottney and my margarita is ice cole and mango like.
the wind feels warm and soft. the sand is dry in places and moist and moldable in others. the water is perfectly cool and wet. the hammock is soft and gently rocking. the margarita is cold and refreshing.
the beach sounds quiet and peaceful. the waves crashing against the shore and the soft chatter of people way down the beach floating to me on the breeze. I can hear the clanking of the ice in my glass as I drink my margarita. I can hear sea gulls crying out and screaming to everyone to get off their beach.
the beach makes me feel relaxed and sleepy. I love just doing nothing.Its also fun because im in cancun and I can get drunk which makes me happy. Any beach would make me happy because the weather is warm and its sunny and its hard not to be happy when its sunny and warm.
Once upon a time there was a girl named Mckenzie who really wanted to go to Cancun. So she saved up her money and took a flight out there for spring break. When she arrived the soft wind hit her face and she knew she was in paradise. The first thing she did was get an ice cold margarita. When she heard the ice clang in the glass she was excited to get down to the beach. She ran to her room and threw on a swim suit and took her maggrita down to the sandy beach. Once at the beach there was a beach boy with lots of margaritas. so she had like ten then decided after her long flight she would take a nap in the hammock. So she fell asleep until night where she partied until morning them slept until 2 pm and did it all again the next day. The end.
I would rather be sleeping in a hammock on a beach in Cancun. It would have a white soft sandy beach. I would be strung up between two wavy palm trees and there would be a slight warm wind in the air. The waves would be softly crashing on the beach as I was rocked to sleep in the hammock. I would have consumed my body weight in margaritas and so I wouldn't have a care in the world.
There is white sandy beaches with small round sea shells nestled in the sand. The waves are blue with a white foam on the top. The tall palm treas are topped with long bendy green leaves that sway in the wind. The rough brown bark was from the top to the bottom.
The air smells like salt and sand. the hammock smalls like tanning lotion. the sand smells like wet dirt almost. the margarita im drinking smells like tequila and limes with mango. the water smells salty and a bit fishy. my towel smells like sun and sunscreen. My shoes smell sweaty.
The beach tastes gritty and gross. the water tastes like pure salt. The hammock tastes cottney and my margarita is ice cole and mango like.
the wind feels warm and soft. the sand is dry in places and moist and moldable in others. the water is perfectly cool and wet. the hammock is soft and gently rocking. the margarita is cold and refreshing.
the beach sounds quiet and peaceful. the waves crashing against the shore and the soft chatter of people way down the beach floating to me on the breeze. I can hear the clanking of the ice in my glass as I drink my margarita. I can hear sea gulls crying out and screaming to everyone to get off their beach.
the beach makes me feel relaxed and sleepy. I love just doing nothing.Its also fun because im in cancun and I can get drunk which makes me happy. Any beach would make me happy because the weather is warm and its sunny and its hard not to be happy when its sunny and warm.
Once upon a time there was a girl named Mckenzie who really wanted to go to Cancun. So she saved up her money and took a flight out there for spring break. When she arrived the soft wind hit her face and she knew she was in paradise. The first thing she did was get an ice cold margarita. When she heard the ice clang in the glass she was excited to get down to the beach. She ran to her room and threw on a swim suit and took her maggrita down to the sandy beach. Once at the beach there was a beach boy with lots of margaritas. so she had like ten then decided after her long flight she would take a nap in the hammock. So she fell asleep until night where she partied until morning them slept until 2 pm and did it all again the next day. The end.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
My Credo
I believe in the power of wishing. Not in the wishes themselves but just that fact a person can be brave enough to think just for a second what they truly desire is within grasp. on any give day or night many of my close friends and my dad will randomly get a text, but its always at the same time. 11:11. This is the magical wishing number! all the numbers on the clock are the same! when and if i catch it I immediately make a wish, it means in that moment I can stop whatever I am doing in my crazy life and dream, only if just for a second. I also jump on my phone and send a text to the last person I was texting because I want to spread the power of the wish. You don't always get everything that you wish for, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't dream, it doesn't mean you shouldn't try to accomplish your dream. Whenever I happen to glance at the clock and I read 11:11 I just know that God is reminding me to slow down and take a breath and dream alittle.
I believe in the power of wishing. Not in the wishes themselves but just that fact a person can be brave enough to think just for a second what they truly desire is within grasp. on any give day or night many of my close friends and my dad will randomly get a text, but its always at the same time. 11:11. This is the magical wishing number! all the numbers on the clock are the same! when and if i catch it I immediately make a wish, it means in that moment I can stop whatever I am doing in my crazy life and dream, only if just for a second. I also jump on my phone and send a text to the last person I was texting because I want to spread the power of the wish. You don't always get everything that you wish for, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't dream, it doesn't mean you shouldn't try to accomplish your dream. Whenever I happen to glance at the clock and I read 11:11 I just know that God is reminding me to slow down and take a breath and dream alittle.
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